“I get constant customer compliments on the coffee. Almost every person who has a cup asks where it’s from and who makes it. I have ‘coffee regulars’ who come in every morning just for a cup of Dawn Chorus Coffee.”
Columbus Road Diner
“A lot of people comment on the coffee, and tell me they come here specifically for our coffee. People notice when we run out of Dawn Chorus and have to serve other coffee. A lot people say they don’t want cream, because it takes away from the great natural taste of the coffee!”
– Lauren Markovich, Waitress, Columbus Road Diner and Burgers
“I don’t normally order coffee in restaurants, but I order it here because it is that good!”
– Ron Nash, Frequent customer, Columbus Road Diner and Burgers
Sean White, Brewer, Jackie O’s
“Dawn Chorus Coffee keeps the brewers awake! We drink a pot every morning. Without Dawn Chorus Coffee, there would be no beer here. It’s impossible for us to brew without it!”
Bill Justice, Owner/ Chef, 9 Tables
“Working with Athens’ Own has enabled us to use a wider variety of local products. I don’t have the time to look for and dig around to find local farms who have the products I need. I write one check per week to Constantine. It saves me time and money, and allows me to spend more time with my children.”
Bill Justice, Chef/Owner, 9 Tables
Athens’ Own cheese is so much better than anything you can get anywhere else in town. I try to serve a dish that features it every month.
Brad Clark, Jackie O’s Brewmaster
“Working with Athens’ Own has really pushed innovation in our business”
John Gutenkanst, Owner, Avalanche Pizza
“We have been using Athens’ Own cheese for three years. The meltability is excellent and the taste is the best ever!”