Constantine’s Log


June 18, 20 and 21

Tuesday was a bit different because I had an appointment to go to so I only went an hour and a half to begin with, In that time, we made some new egg salad. Constantine was trying to teach me throughout making it that my obligation is not only to make really good food, but [...]

June 10-15

Last week, Alyse was gone on vacation so Constantine and I were on our own again. On Monday, we started by doing the usual coffee packaging, which I did beginning to end by myself. We did other things that  I don't remember because  I didn't write this when I should have. Afterwards, we went to [...]

June 3 and 4

On Monday, we first started by bagging coffee, which I did mostly by myself and I am probably able to do it next time completely by myself. After that I bagged some cashews while Constantine worked on a nice old coffee grinder that he had acquired. After we had finished with those things, Alyse and [...]


If I can be very motivated to do something, I should be able to motivate others to do something as well. By figuring out how to motivate myself, I can gain some insight into the best strategies and plans to help Athens' Own interns get motivated. In fact, the ability to motivate others to take [...]

Melanie Grover's Internship Log

My week Interning with Athens' Own was unforgettable. My favorite memories were riding around the back roads in the truck with Constantine as we ran business errants, selling delicious, handcrafted foods at the bustling farmer's market, and getting to visit the shared community workspace building where Constantine prepared his products for market. I had no [...]

May 20

We have been asked if we can provide a kitchen and therefore cook at the Athens County Amateur Radio Association's Field day event and I in turn have been tasked to evaluate that request. First, if you don't happen to already know, field day is a 24 hour amateur radio event spanning the US and [...]

About the Internship Log- Part 2!

For any current or future interns who have raised questions about editing logs: The way our logs are currently set up, interns can post entries but not edit them. This may seem like we are shutting people out and taking away control, but rather we have a very specific educational goal in mind with this [...]

The Ripple Effect

Last week, I had the great pleasure to work on staff at Boy Scout National Camping School. Along with two other staffers, I was responsible for teaching a class of sixteen participants how to run a safe and fun ropes course program. We taught everything from theories and concepts to safety procedures, standards, and paperwork. [...]

May 13 and 14

Monday, Constantine and I mainly only bagged coffee and cashews. The difference was in that Alyse was not here because she is still at her camper leader training camp, so Constantine and I had to manage by ourselves. It really gave me a chance to do both tasks without someone watching over and guiding me [...]

May 10

Friday, Constantine and I first bagged a few bags of Highlander grog because we had only one bag left, which is not enough for the market the next day. That's pretty good because that means that means the rest that we had bagged Monday or Tuesday had all been sold somewhere in the community. After [...]