Pickled Peppers

(2 customer reviews)


Price per quart jar – $12.00

Available Varieties:


Sweet Banana and Anaheim

SKU: N/A Category:

Additional information

Weight 3 lbs

Anaheim and Sweet Banana, Cherry, Jalapeno, Habanero

Serving Suggestions

Add to your favorite Bloody Mary recipe. Slice onto sandwiches. Use in stews/ soups. Slice into Mac and Cheese for a spicy kick, use as condiments for almost any dinner entree. Spread cream cheese onto a cracker, top with a jalapeno slice. Bread and deep-fry for jalapeno poppers

  2 Responses to “Pickled Peppers”

  1. These are really good pickled peppers. I eat them whole right out of the jar or slice them up and add to a dish to give it more flavor. I like them in soup, salads, on sandwiches or on the side.

  2. Are there still Anaheim and Sweet Banana left?

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