Sweet Beef Bologna – Hot

(1 customer review)


Our famous sweet beef bologna with peppers for a spicy kick

Full stick – $24.00

1/2 stick – $14.00

(Full sticks guaranteed to be 1.24 lbs minimum before cooking, 1/2 sticks 0.62 lbs minimum.  Some weight is lost in the smoking/cooking process.  Full sticks are approximately 1lb after cooking, half sticks approx 1/2 lb)

SKU: N/A Category:


Full stick $24.00, 1/2 stick $14.00

Additional information

Weight N/A

  One Response to “Sweet Beef Bologna – Hot”

  1. Smooth, Spicy, Succulent SWEET
    Heavy, Herbaceous, Honored HOT
    Balmy, Beckoning, Blistering BEEF
    Beautiful, Blazing, Burning BOLOGNA

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